
Dunmore Gardens

Why get Married in a Barn?

A Hotel as your wedding venue or a Country House the first decision to make when choosing your wedding venue. Dunmore Gardens is not a hotel venue. It is a period house dating from 1742, the cellars pre-date the siege of Derry,...
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Funky Cakes and Wedding Cakes

This week we caught up with Funky Cakes which is based in the Craft Village right in the centre of Derry City, ran by Claire & Sean. They told us what they loved most about wedding cakes and gave us a break...
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International Women’s Day

  A day of celebrating womanhood or a day for protest! To fight for a more gender-balanced world? Living in Russia our family grew up with International Women’s day as a MAJOR celebration.  You could nearly call it a public holiday.  However...
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A Chat with a Humanist Celebrant

In a late evening chat with Joe Armstrong he answered some of my questions about humanist weddings. Is a humanist wedding legal in Ireland? If the celebrant is accredited by the Humanist Association of Ireland and so long as the wedding takes...
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